The Realm of Perveria is one that exists apart from the real world in a parallel dimension. It is a realm where desires and wishes may be granted or lead to your undoing. A series of gates provide access to that world, and I am one of their keepers. The content is all related to that world.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Introduction to the Realm

The universe is large and has different rules than the ones discussed in the typical science room.  Apart from this dimension are infinite other dimensions that take direct, side, shadow, or other references from the current one.  Perveria is similar to this dimension, but completely a stand-alone existence where the central planet within the realm is much larger than Earth, and interconnected with nearby planets through a central nexus, often referred to by the inhabitants as the labyrinth.

The labyrinth of Perveria is the entrance to the realm, which is accessed by numerous gates in traveling locations.  Gates connect the labyrinth to the different dimensions and offer select inhabitants a chance to escape dire situations in order to fulfill their wishes and desires, though with varying consequences.  Pulled from the different dimensions the various species and entities form add to the diversity of the inhabitants.  Some interact with other sentient species to form communities, some stay independent, while others are twisted and born anew within the realm itself.

All parts of the extensive realm are connected to the labyrinth and can use it as a way to move about.  The interior of the labyrinth is timeless to the outside, so it has its own perils as people can go in and never come out, while others can travel from one section of a planet to another in an instant, at least to those in the realm.  Gatekeepers are timeless as long as they are confined to the gate, with some bordering immortality as they add to realm and shuffle its denizens.  It's the gatekeepers that manage the chaos of the realm, and record its chronicles.

Here, anchored in what can be called the 'real world' to some, 'surface world' to others, and 'first world' to the rest, is where just a few chronicles of the realm and its greater reaches will be written.  

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